Thursday, February 11, 2010

Maggie's rust.

Rusting is such an interesting technique - you never know how the material will turn out!

Di's fire.

Di created this inspiring work for "fire". Love the colours - you can feel the heat of the fire.

Top photo: Lee brought her "rust" to show us.
Middle photo: Ros kindly modelled a belt ("rain") created by Di.
Bottom photo: Elizabeth shows her beading style.
We had great fun today making beads from scratch, with Rhonda providing materials and expertise.

Treasure Box.

Robyn had an old tobacco tin with a "time rusted" piece of lace, which opened to reveal lots of her tiny treasures, each with its own story to tell.

Rhonda's work.

As usual, Rhonda had some very interesting pieces to show us!


Rust was our first four letter word for the year. Di contributed this beautiful dish.